PIC 16F84A

The PIC16F84A is an 8-bit microcontroller of RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) architecture. It uses a total number of 35  instructions. It has a total of 18 pins and is mostly found in a DIP18 type of case. The specifications are as follows:

1.Flash Memory (1KB) : For storing a program. It can be erased and rewritten almost 1000 times.

2.EEPROM (64 bytes) - Usually used for storing important data that will be secure even in power failure.

3.RAM - Memory used by a program to store temporary data during its execution.

4.CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT-  It coordinates the work  and executes the user program.

5.PORTS- There are two ports portA(5 bits) and portB(8 bits). These 13 pins can be configured as input/output.

        Pin Configuration                                                                PIC 16F84A in reality

              Vss - Ground  | VDD - Positive |  RA0  to  RA4 - Port A |  RB0  to  RB7 - Port B | MCLR - Master Clear


Block Diagram - Internal Structure of PIC


A Sample Program for PIC 16F84A microcontroller.

; Author : Eby P.Kurien
; Date : 25/10/2006
; Version: 1.0
; Title: PIC16F84A : Use of TRIS (Beware! some PICs does not support this inst.) & MOVLW instruction
; Description: Make bit 0 & 3 of port B high.

              Processor PIC16F84A                                                      
;Tell which processor we are using
; Include its default values
             __config _XT_OSC & _PWRTE_OFF & _WDT_OFF   
; Cofiguration of fuses

             org 00h                                
;Reset vector/Where to start
             movlw b'00000000'             
;move binary 0 to W register
             tris portb                             
;Make all pins of portb as output 
             movlw b'00001001'             
;move binary 00001001 to W register 
            movwf portb                         
;move the same to port B / bits 0 & 3 will go high 
loop:    goto loop                              
;endless loop
;end of the program(for the assembler)

Copy the program to notepad and assemble it using MPASM from Microchip.The result is the following HEX file


Use the HEX file and program the PIC using a suitable programmer and software.